Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blog #1

How to Unlock and Change Your Password at SIUC:

You need to get into your Webmail/Blackbord/SalukiNet and it will not let you enter!  You get an error that says your account has been disabled.  You clench your teeth because now you have to waste time and go to Faner to get assistance or the CSC…but not to worry, you can do all of this from the comfort of your own home!

First, you need to go to:

Once you are at that page, click on Unlock Expired/Forgotten Password, under the quick links, about half way through the page.

You are now on a page that has two separate sections.  The one on the right is ONLY for changing your password.  The one on the left, “Advanced Functions,” is what you need.  Under this, you can enroll in the forgotten password process, reset your password using the forgotten password process,  check when your password expires, and unlock your password.  You want to unlock your password, so click on the third one, “Unlock Expired Password.”  The black circle needs to be next to “Unlock Expired Password”

In order to do so, you will need to enter in your Network Id (your e-mail account without the, ej. would be abcdef).  After doing this, you will need to enter in your Dawg Tag number (if you do not know this, it should be on the bottom of your SIUC ID, if you do not have your SIUC ID on hand, you can hit the back button, and go back to the quick links page,  and click on Find My Dawg Tag).

After you enter in your Network ID and Dawg Tag number hit  submit.  You will get a message:

  If you message says your password has been unlocked (no WARNING WARNING signs), you will have to wait 30 before you can use it because it needs to hit the server.  You will need to change your password within 24 hours or else you will get locked again!

If you get the same message with the WARNING WARNING signs then you password has been unlocked, but you will not be able to unlock it another time without changing it.  If you forget to change it, then you will have to go to the CSC (Computer Support Center) with your ID to get your password reset.  You will need to change your password within 24 hours or else you will get locked again!

If you get a message that says your account is not disabled and call the CSC, then you will  have to come in with your student ID to either the Faner Help Desk or go in with your ID to the CSC.

Your password is unlocked- now what?

If you do not remember your password at all, then you will need to go to the Faner Help Desk with your ID or the CSC in order to get your password reset.

If you know your current password, then you need to change it.

Go to :

On the right side of the screen, you will see “Password Change” and you will work under that side this time. 

First, put in your Network ID (the same one you used before).  You will need to type in your current password.  Next, you will need to type in your new password twice.  You need to use at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one symbol, and one number, and be at least 8 characters.

The SIUC password guidelines are below:

Once you type in everything, hit submit.  BE SURE TO READ WHAT THE MESSAGE SAYS!

If you get a message that says SUCCESS- then your password has been changed and it is immediate for e-mail and it will take 30 minutes for everything else (Blackboard, SalukiNet).

If you get a message that is an error- read it carefully.  It is most likely an error that you are not following the password guidelines.  Another common error is that it matches a previously used password or contains a string of three or more letters/numbers (aaa,111).

If you get an error that says you need to enroll in the Forgotten Password Process, do not worry, that’s easy to do!

How to enroll in the Forgotten Password Process:

Go to this website:

It is the same website as the unlock password page and the change your password page.  You will need to go under “Advanced Functions.”

Click on the circle, “Enroll in the Forgotten Password Process.  Make sure the black circle is next to “Enroll in the Forgotten Password Process.”

Next, you will type in your Network ID and Dawg Tag number (if you do not remember what these are, please refer to the beginning of the blog).  After you do this, press submit.

A page will pop up.  You will need to put in your current password, and then you will need to choose two of the questions to answer.

Pick two of the questions and answer them.  Make sure you write down the answers, so in case you forget your password in the future, you will not have to get it reset, and wait thirty minutes.

After doing this, hit submit.  If you get a message that says “Success,” then you are good to go.  If you get an error message, read it carefully, and follow the directions accordingly.

After you have enrolled in the Forgotten Password Process, you will have to wait 30 minutes before you can change your password.  After 30 minutes, you can change your password without any problems.

How to Reset Your Password Using the Forgotten Password Process

You’ve enrolled in the Forgotten Password Process, but you do not remember your password.  It is really easy to reset.  Go to:

Under “Advanced Functions,” click on the first function, “Reset Forgotten Password.”  Enter in your Network ID and Dawg Tag number (if you do not know what these are, please refer to the first part of the blog).

Enter in the answers to the questions.  After doing so, you will get a message:

If the message says success and gives you a temporary password (such as abcd), write down the temporary password and hit ok and it will take you to the change password page.

If you get an error message that the answers do not match, and you do not know why, try it one more time, just to make sure there were not any keystroke errors.  If you do not remember your password at all, contact the Faner Help Desk or the CSC.  To find their hours, please click on:

Congratulations!  Now you know how to deal with all of the password situations without leaving the comfort of your own home!

1 comment:

  1. Good page. Comes up well for the proper Google keywords. Can't figure out how to reset your SIU password. Forgot your SIUC network password? Then this is a good post.

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